Wednesday 4 December 2013

Life : thoughts from an airplane windowside

People once said humans can never fly, but here we are riding among clouds. 

I've been thinking as I looked out from the airplane window. Amazed by how a man dreamt and chased his dream, hoping one day we can be soaring in the skies above, looking at cities as though they were ants.

Courage. It's a very very abstract feeling. And yet without it, you can't do almost everything.

And to chase our dreams, without courage, we can never realize it. 

The courage to do something different, so absurd people say you're going crazy.
A dream to think out of the universe and perhaps make history?

I don't know where I'm heading next, to be honest. In fact I'm at a crossroad with no road signs at all.
So perhaps a little courage would help me to get along? And I do hope you gather yours too. Cause we're just starting our adventure some people call life. x

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