Monday 31 March 2014

End of March thoughts

with just a blink of an eye, we're entering the fourth quarter of year (yays?)
and if you just started to read my blog,
welcome hey? let me give you a free hug
also, you're stuck here to spend another 10 minutes to read some of my rants.
smile !
1. always appreciate your family and friends around you
you never know how fast time passes.
hug them a little tighter.
laugh a little longer.
it will all be worth it at the end of the day.
2. its not always about winning
battle or a war, it doesn't matter if you win or lose,
that is if you lose one or two friendships in the process.
3. always live a little
when you're running around, chasing dreams, buying stuff,
never forget to live life.
now i'm starting to understand what people meant when they used to say
"stop and smell the roses along the way"
because at the end of the road, its always the little things that matters :
the roads you travelled,
the songs you sang at 3 am,
the people you shared hugs with,
and the midnight stars you gazed by the seas.
Now that March is gone and April is here,
love a little,
step back a little
and always live a little.
안녕하세요 4월 !
Annyeonghaseyo April !

Thursday 27 March 2014


everyone belongs somewhere.
whether its the cozy home you go back to every night;
or the busy city that allows you to lose yourself once in a while;
that little caravan you live in because the travel bug inside you insists;
maybe its the sea, the crashing waves which you call your home;
or it could be a house with concrete walls which provides you with structure and strength.
we all have somewhere we call home.
and right now, i'm kind of missing mine.
i'm not somewhere too far away,
but i'm far from my home.
I miss driving alongside Penang night lights,
the weird quietness at 3a.m. when i'm staring at the ceiling,
that familiar corner that puts a smile on my face because I know i'm only a turn away from home.
even if you're eager to embark on this crazy new adventure,
there will always be a part of you which will miss home, even for just a moment, nay? 
so if today, for some reason, you're missing home - go back.
because home is a place that always welcomes you no matter what,
a place where you can be who you really are,
no pretense, no judging.
and most of all, home is where the love is.

Monday 17 March 2014

Life : clocked in

today, let me put you in the shoes of something (im)possible.
 imagine your life with a clock telling you the duration of your life.
would you lived your life differently then?
will you make decisions more bravely,
or lived life less reckless?
will you throw less tantrums and cherish the people around you more?
will we be speaking out our thoughts and dreams more freely,
as we know our time is limited.
will we love more fearlessly,
and hold on only to all the things that are necessary?
more than that, will we live our life treating others differently?
for those with less time on their clocks,
would we have shown them more kindness?
will we still be living a life chasing after material things :
bigger house, faster cars, fatter bank accounts
or will we chase our passions ferociously instead?
if you will do it then,
why not do it now?

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Five life lessons i learnt from my job.

It's been an awfully long time since I've blogged!
If you know me (or if you've been reading my blog) you'll probably know I've been working.
And like everything that happens in life,
here are some life lessons I learnt from my two months job!
1. money can buy you happiness
even if it is temporary, yes.
I've seen the way a kid's eyes light up when they get to order whatever they want
and sod kids, I've even seen adult's eyes brighten up the same way.
and both speaks of one same thing - happiness.
so no, I will not sound like a hipster and insist that money cannot buy you happiness because money buys you frozen yoghurt with rainbow sprinkles and that brings you happiness.
2. smile
"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart." - Proverbs 15:30
this is very true.
by working in the service line,
I realized that a smile can change things.
a smile can brighten up a foul mood,
a weary soul,
and even calm (moody) customers.
and this is one lesson which is way valuable than any other. 
3. life is (too) short
as short as the time taken for frozen yoghurt to melt that is.
I've seen people sitting there taking pictures of their froyo,
surfing the web before eating their froyo,
making life decisions while staring at their froyo.
anyways, my point is.
before you are able to plan how you want to enjoy your froyo,
you may realize that it has already melted.
same as life and time. nuff said.
4. techniques overcomes brute force
this is too true.
one of the many things I do is moving tables,chairs and boxes around.
and mind you, there is always a simpler way to finish a task.
it may be the way you move it,
or the direction it is in.
so trust me, always ask or learn the techniques people have used before.
you may have the strength but you will end up losing a lot of them and time.
I guess it pretty much works that way in real life too.
5. there is always something to learn 
from methods used in cutting fruits to the fine virtue of responsibility,
I always believe that regardless when and where,
there is always something to learn.
life is how you see it.
if you take every difficult task and turn it into a learning experience,
you'll find it way more challenging and even rewarding.
I kid you not!
I hope you enjoyed reading this post.
and for those who are having exams...
may God be ever in your favor !