Wednesday 30 October 2013

Life !

in life, there are people who cross your path.
some just pass us by, like that cashier at your favorite diner.
some linger, like a few lovely highschool friends whom we lost contact with later on.
but then there are those who stay and hardly leave.
like a name engraved on a tree.
like that scar you have since you fell at the age of 6.
friends or lovers, they touched our lives in one way or another.
even if you can turn back time, you would never regret knowing them.
some may have one, some may have many.
i'm indeed blessed to have a lovely handful of them.
and I can never thank God more for their existence in my life.
I love my girls! (: xx


Thursday 24 October 2013

Life : Love?

don't we all agree on this one?
regardless of the flaws, the hurts, we still love.
maybe because we dream and we hope someday our love will be worth it.
maybe it will.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Life : Get ready for an adventure? Hwaiting!

sometimes, if we stay in our comfort zone for too long,
life becomes a routine.
you wake up, you go where ever you're heading, you come home, you go to bed.
no excitement. no aspirations. just plain life.
I don't want to be someone who reflects on my life someday in my 60s,
wondering what could have been if I had just been bold enough to do what you wanted to?
i'm not saying that it'll be easy.
oh no, its not at all.
but all i'm saying is that give it a try?
and all I can give is my fullest support and prayers that you achieve what you dream of
with no regrets, none at all.


Tuesday 22 October 2013


"chase your dreams or someone else will hire you to chase theirs."

Monday 21 October 2013

Look - Mint Green

Spotted : color of the day - Mint Green
mint green is a real lovely color. its pretty, fun, flirty at the same moment!
*psychologically, it also means peace.
so these are the few pieces I found that are available in Malaysia
(most of them are from CottonOn, so yeahh.)

- mint green Ari Cardigan
- jelly sandals (on sale now!)

- mint green skinnies (also on sale!)

- this cute playsuit
and the last one which I think is totally too pretty to not mention it
this embellished dress from Topshop!

Sunday 20 October 2013

Look !

do you ever look at that statement necklace (you bought just because it was a musthave), I get you, and wonder - what on earth am I ever going to wear that with without being too showy or seem like i'm trying too hard? 
well, thanks to , I found some pretty great ideas for you to try out with that gorgeous statement necklace of yours! Yayzers.
1. plain tops
- to balance up the 'drama' of thy necklace, you may want to try a clean, plain top. you can pair it with a printed bottom for a fun day out! just put on your sandals for a casual feel and you're off to go!
 - if printed bottoms are not your thing, you can also try a bright colored plain bottom
(just like this cute bubble skirt) for a summery, flirty kind of look.
flats or sandals are brilliant to give you a more relaxed look.
 2. sweater tops
 - well, Autumn is pretty much about now (although sadly Malaysia does not have Autumn)
Nyways, Autumn means sweater season again! yays.
so, try pairing your statement necklace with a (preferably plain) sweater top
to add a pop to your outfit.
 * leather pants goes sexily (fabulously) well with this outfit idea as well!
somehow, leather just makes things sexier, naughtier and well, you get the idea.

3. blazers
this (I think) is fab for formal looks. it adds some wow factor to your outfit without overdoing it.
simple. classy. fab.
let me know if you have any other ideas on how to wear a statement necklace?
I will appreciate it tons. loves.
P.S. : check out for some wickedly awesome streetstyle ideas!

Saturday 19 October 2013


so basically, I get this a lot : "who do you love? seriously, tell me, I swear I will never tell anyone."
and so, with all honesty I reply : "one direction"
*bam* no one ever believes me.
then they ask : "but why? they're so far away. they're just some lads who just so happen to sing."
and yes, they do sing wonderfully great (have you even listen to them singing acoustics??)
nyways. NO. they're not just some "lads".
and here's why I (and pretty much the rest of the directioners) love them.
1. they can't dance
- yes, almost everyone knows that they are not great dancers (except Zayn) but they accept who they are. they do try, but they also laugh about the fact that they can't.
2. they never hide who they are
what I mean is that they don't try to be someone else. you don't see them going around acting cool and stuff. I mean, they do duck faces for whats worth!
3. they eat
and eat
Niall shows it all. x

4. they have fun

5. they love us
like seriously, they do take care of their fans.
there you go! peace, no haters!

Thursday 17 October 2013

Life !

its basically exam period
(i'm taking alevels, but its kind of the same for almost everyone here in Penang as well...)
and what better to do during exam period than to discover good youtube channels that will help you relax rather than getting all tensed up about that last chapter you can't even remember right now.
so I came across this great youtube channel - dmingthing ! Yayzers.
here are some of my favorites ! 
some funny vid about Malaysians and their (mostly) fake accents.
well, the title speaks for itself.
and he even does meaningful ones, which I kind of like them.
it feels, sincere. its as thought you can relate to his vids?
haha. nyways, this is a cute one about friendzones.
so if you're feeling stressed out, why not check out his vids?
I promise you won't stop.
P.S. : all the best in your exams and may God be ever in your favor !


so today i'm getting all inspirational and stuff, again.
but I think this is something important I just have to blog about.

"time solves most things"
over time ; scars fade, tears dry, lies unveiled and things change.
but time is not one which comes swiftly and it will never just be around the corner.
sometimes, it goes the long route, crawling at probably 10km/h if it was a car.
but it will come. and when the time comes, things will fall into place, I promise.
and stop hurting yourself for what's worth because you will be loved.
just for the time being, you've got to love yourself a little more first.
so don't give up just yet?
hang in there.



Tuesday 15 October 2013


falling for this song currently!
the story behind it is touching and boyce avenue is just superb.
it's about a friend's wife who unexpectedly took her own life. this song is about what they feel she would've told her husband the following days and months after her death. her name was briane.
it got me thinking. suicide rates are soaring from year to year. people taking their lives easily.
but if you're reading this and suicide has even crossed your mind, STOP.
life is more to pain and scars.
you are made perfectly and meticulously.
you are loved.
you are beautiful in your own way and well beyond anyone can imagine.
suicide will not drown away the fears, the troubles or the problems in life.
it will only scar your family, your friends.
and they'd be left thinking of what they could've done or what they have not done enough.
love yourself because you are loved.

x Life x

"you can't mix with negative people and expect to live a positive life."
so I stumbled on this quote today and thought hey, it's just too true.
maybe some see it as just another reblog on tumblr pages.
or just some saying happy hippies live by.
but have you ever tried sticking around with negative people?
it saps your positive energy and soon your smiles will turn to frowns and you'll start going around sapping other people's positive energy. it's like a disease really.
believe me, if you stay with friends who tell you that life is great, you will start looking for that light at the end of the tunnel or that rainbow after the storm, not just laying around waiting for some storm to come up just because the rainbow is too beautiful to be true.
happiness - it's a choice, really.
i'm not saying you wont get hurt or disappointed, its the way you deal with them that defines if you're gonna be happy or sad about it.
"is your cup half full or half empty?"
I heard this reply the other day which I thought was brilliant.
"it doesn't matter if my cup is half full or empty. what matters is the fact that I am going to fill my own cup. my happiness is in my own hands and not somebody else's. I live the life that I intend to, not just to please someone else."
so live your lives just the way you wish you could and, with the right crowd too.
last but not least, a quote from my inspiration - Audrey Hepburn.
 P.S. - I'm sure she meant that happy boys are most charming too.

Monday 14 October 2013

Make a wish!

Make a wish for love or laughs. x


Autumn's here again and I know it is really ridiculous to dress up in Autumn wear especially in Malaysia where its hot. But who cares! I love sweaters and H&M is stocked up with some pretty ones so yays. Here are some combinations I did. x


knitted hat - rm 29.90
knitted jumper - rm79.90
jersey skirt - rm 19.90
boots - rm 129.00


knitted jumper - rm 79.90
corduroy trousers - rm 59.90
necklace - rm 14.90
court shoes - rm 79.90


knitted dress - rm 119.00
platform court shoes - rm 79.90
handbag - rm 99.90
there! hope you loved them! x


Love !

Just in case you guys don't know, I'm a HUGE fan of Boyce Avenue! And this is one of my favorites. Here's why!
I've never been one who was very good in letting go.
I've never been one who always appreciated things before they were long gone.
I learnt this the hard way and I've got to admit it was pretty hard but it shall be for the best.
So listen to it in the link below and maybe tell me what you think? loves! x

x Life x

When I was small, people asked me who I wanted to be when I grew up. I told them I wanted to be mermaid. 18 years later, was my answer a childish one?
To be one, who can live without fears of the deep unknown.
One who shuts out the whole world above, just to be someone who she really is and wants to be.
To be one who dares to be different in an ocean so vast.
Aside the fact that mermaids are pretty, has a gorgeous body and have great hair.
So here I am 18 years later, and what shall I be? x