Friday 27 December 2013

Life : A bowl of rice


as an Asian I barely remember any Chinese family meals I've had that is served without rice.
its just too incomplete a meal without it, I guess.
so then dare I equate rice with life?
I like to see rice as my life.
with everyone I meet, its like the dishes that complement my bowl of rice.
and with that, a little of my rice gets eaten up, just like my lifeline.
its also up to you as to how you end your meal at the end of your lifeline.
are you going to stick with only the same dishes all the time?
or do you prefer a vast variety so much you cannot remember everyone of them?
are you going live a spiced up life with some?
or one that is bland and simple?
no matter how you live it,
most importantly is that you feel satisfied at the end of your meal.
no regrets.
just a big smile and tummy to end with.


Monday 23 December 2013


two more sleeps and..
its the most lovely time of the year again - Christmas!

every Christmas I always hope for snow outside my window
(despite the fact that Malaysia is hot like youknowwhat)
and Christmas is also the time where I reflect on whatever I've done throughout the year.
Trying to change bad habits or striving to make better choices.

no matter how you're celebrating Christmas this year.
I shall wish you all the best as you usher in the New Year.
Come up with some new goals.
Chasing some recent or old dreams.
Letting go of whatever you know you should.

*also, a big shoutout to the Big Guy up there - Jesus!
it's HIS birthday after all.
and my Christmas wouldn't have been more complete without HIM.

anddddddd. I finally decided on my ultimate Christmas wish.



Saturday 21 December 2013

Life - 10 things I love most

The simple little things in life that may not seem much to others but the world to you.
Everyone has different little pleasures they find in life,
and I just decided to blog about the 10 things that I find lovely, and a blessing truly in my life.
1. the sound and smell of rain
Of course the reasons include some cliché ones like
 a great weather to get cozy indoors, sweater days etc.
But another reason is because
Malaysia is a hot hot hot country.
And if you're a Malaysian I think you'll definitely be grateful
if there's sign of rain after umpteenth days of hot sun!
2. stars
I recently came back from Genting Highlands and managed to lie under the stars for a whole hour.
And may I say, I am willing to do that everynight!
As stars as your ceiling, there's nothing more beautiful, really.
3. the smell of ABC soup from my kitchen
There are days when I am awfully tired coming back from college (or before this year, school).
The mere smell of (this wonderful soup) made by my parents is sufficient to lighten up my mood.
Seriously. I am blessed.
4. the beach
Penang is blessed with a long strip of beautiful beaches.
And nothing beats the feeling of warm sand under one's toes and the smell of salty water.
Nuff said !
5. the smell of baked pastry
do I even have to elaborate?
6. clothes
both designing and buying them!
and I simply adore the smell of new clothes too! (yes they do have a smell)
7. Christmas

need I say more!
the coziness, Christmas lights, the shopping, the together time with friends and family,
and most of all it's Jesus' birthdayyyy.

8. sincere smiles
yes, I do have a soft spot for those.
when people are genuinely happy you can feel the happiness too.
its a bliss, really.

9. sunsets
I get to see these once in a while and I think its a real treat.
that few minutes when the skies turn from blue to orange to purple.
its just breathtaking.

10. little flowers by the road
yes, I think these are lovely.
no matter if they're planted or wild flowers.
I think these are like surprises and will brighten up my day no matter what!

so there you have it! my simple list of a few little happiness I enjoy in life.
now, what's yours? (;

Friday 13 December 2013

Life : gazing stars

Just got back from Genting Highlands!
Had a wonderful camp, lovely people.
Amazing memories.
But one of the highlights was the fact that i got the chance to witness shooting stars.
I may now live a happy life.
the skies were clear up the hill.
the starry night sky was just mesmerizing.
each star shined at its own brightness and sizes.
* it was very much like this, the closest I could get from the internet!
that's when the overthinker inside me becomes alive.
so, what if the people we meet in life is very much like gazing stars?
just like stars shining bravely amongst the cloudy skies -
those are the people whom you look up to.
the people whom you rely on most when you need comfort.
those around you, living their life as a purpose to shine in your life.
then there are people like the stars shining weakly in the sky -
they are the ones supporting you from afar.
those looking up to you.
those loving you even when you know not of their existence.
last but not least, the ones like shooting stars -
these are the ones which capture your attention the most.
you would strain your neck just to catch that one second glimpse of that shooting star.
so fast, so rare, too exciting that after that one second, you find yourself reluctant to leave, wanting to catch yet another glimpse of that shooting star. 
Now, what if our whole life,
we've been busy chasing those shooting stars so much that we miss our on the stars embedded so beautifully on God's canvas we call sky.
what if we take for granted the love and support we have or had,
in exchange for something more exciting yet less promising and
a momentary pleasure that can never stay but keep you asking for more?

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Life : thoughts from an airplane windowside

People once said humans can never fly, but here we are riding among clouds. 

I've been thinking as I looked out from the airplane window. Amazed by how a man dreamt and chased his dream, hoping one day we can be soaring in the skies above, looking at cities as though they were ants.

Courage. It's a very very abstract feeling. And yet without it, you can't do almost everything.

And to chase our dreams, without courage, we can never realize it. 

The courage to do something different, so absurd people say you're going crazy.
A dream to think out of the universe and perhaps make history?

I don't know where I'm heading next, to be honest. In fact I'm at a crossroad with no road signs at all.
So perhaps a little courage would help me to get along? And I do hope you gather yours too. Cause we're just starting our adventure some people call life. x