Sunday 26 April 2015

5 lessons my latest job taught me

If you've been following me on IG or Facebook,
the odds are you would've known that I've been working in Starbucks for the past few months.
and today is officially my last day.
like every chapter in life,
i am grateful for the things my short stint in Starbucks had taught me,
here's what.

1.  go with the flow

the flow is something like this,
you're part of a team
and each of you have different roles to play, 
but you sort of play everyone's role at the same time
- if this even makes sense?

in simple English, i think it's translated as teamwork.
in my previous job at fruuze (read about it here) it was a two-partner each shift  kind of thing
so while there was a certain degree of teamwork, it was rather different from Starbucks which basically has a way bigger team.
the thing about teamwork is that it's a flow,
you either ride with it or die without it.
and this is quite the main element i learnt throughout my working experience.

2. you can never do everything

no matter how good you are at your jam,
you always need the help of another to make it work.
previously, i've been into planning events and sometimes,
you feel like you need your hands in everything to make sure it succeeds.
working in Starbucks taught me that being in a team means that
you allow another to help you when you have too much in your hands
and likewise you help them in return.
true, mistakes may be made,
but if its nothing too much a sincere apology can't mend
- it's not the end of the world.

3. smiles are contagious

have you ever noticed that Starbucks always welcome you with a huge smile 
and a loud greeting when you enter the store?
that's because smiles are contagious,
and at times important,
because where the smile is, 
that feels like home.
(okay i totally made that up, but it makes sense right. right.)
also, try smiling back the next time you're smiled to.
you'll make the person smiling to you feel happier too.
(also, it kind of sucks when you smile to someone and they just look at you like. blank)
you know.

4. work is work, even if it involves something you dislike

i guess when you are working, 
you may at times meet characters or things that you dislike.
that's when adaptability comes in.

ever felt like this? 
of course in my case, it is milk.
if you know me, you'll know that i loathe milk.
i remember when i told a friend that i'll be working in Starbucks back then,
she gave me this face 
 and told me - but there's milk!?
but give it time, i learnt to work my way around it,
get used to it and somehow,
milk isn't too bad after all, nothing i couldn't overcome at least.
(okay it's still gross, big time, but it's workable)

5. always listen

one of the ways i can illustrate this is through 
indecisive customers you meet when you're taking orders.
so keep calm, and slow down in doing your stuff,
listen and if you listen close enough,
you can avoid tons of errors, wastage and effort.
and i guess this applies to any sort of work as well.

another way of listening is to your co-partners.
as always, everyone has something to teach you.
everyone has an easier way in doing something.
listen, learn, stay humble.

unless of course if you're Kanye *rolls eyes*

last but not least,
i'm beyond thankful for the lovely people i've met during my short working experience at Starbucks
which made it more enjoyable.
thank you for the life lessons and guidance and friendship.
i'm glad that this part of my life has once again made me
grateful and not, regretful.

Ian Somelhalder's smile
because you know, smiles are contagious.


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