Thursday 24 April 2014

Life !

sometimes, we can't really blame people for changing hey?
when people rush from places to places,
running on grey pavements,
living in colored cold hard bricks.
then there are people who swap their laughs
for a couple of businesslike handshakes and plastered smiles,
carrying sheets of paper around with them,
all caught in a rat race competing to collect the most papers than the other.
then there are the people who ask you to be real.
they ask you to be true to yourself.
but then, when you finally decided to peel off the layers of your masks,
they stop you halfway and decide when you're ' real ' enough for them, 
when the truth is they can never bear to see the whole you.
at the end of it all.
when you're done transforming into everything they've ever asked for,
they simply look at you and say :
"you've changed."
so, why bother?

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