Sunday 8 February 2015

Driving a mile in my parents' seat

to drive a mile in my parents' seat
you know, like the saying that goes 'to walk a mile in one's shoes'
a few days ago, i was driving past a school just at the time when school is about to end.
as usual, three lanes become one as the remaining two are
fully occupied by buses, motorcycles and cars.
with some parents peeking through the fences waiting for their child,
others sharing recipes or the recent ongoing promotions in stores.

 look familiar? from
(OKAY. so maybe this only happens in Malaysia.)
this brought me back to the days before I got my driving license.
when life was a bliss and I could sleep on the way to school.
or when i'm awaken from my beautiful sleep only to realize that
my carriage has already reached the doorstep of my homely palace.
pardon my inner princess
the traffic may be terrible,
but the sacrifice is undeniable.
it reminds me of the days when my parents will sacrifice their afternoon naps
to fetch me to tuition, school activities, classes etc.
all to get stuck in a jam with other parents rushing to fetch their kids.
it's not like you don't need sleep as you grow.
and whilst waking up of deep sleep just to fetch someone feels like
your soul being ripped out of your body (dark, I know),
your parents do it willingly.
so here's a toast,
*Leonardo is bonus
to the people who caused traffic jams out of love,
who made a sacrifice,
who always gives the best even if it means less rest.



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