Wednesday 24 September 2014

Just a little optimistic.

We all know the "half a glass : is it full or empty?" theory.
the thing is I was told a couple of times that I was too optimistic with life.
so, I guess this shall be my reply to that!
i always think of the word optimistic as being cheerful about the future
and not the unrealistic kind who...yeah, you know those.
no. no. no.
I believe that being optimistic is one who chooses to see the good rather than the bad.
I mean. if life is going to happen anyway,
why fret and welcome it unhappily?
 like Proverbs 18:14
"The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?"
my mother once told me :
you only look at the things you can change,
- i.e. the future, crossroads, choices you can make, situations you can control;
whereas for things you cannot change,
- i.e. your race, place of birth, past
don't bother.
and I somehow try to live by that.
why ponder over things that cannot be changed?
It will only seep you of your energy like a smartphone battery.
besides, how else will you live life if it's not for a better tomorrow?
remember "its gonna be okay in the end, if its not okay, its not the end"?
things may seem grey, now.
but hey, it's gonna be alright.
it has to be.
and hope will keep you going, if nothing else.
look, i'm no superhuman.
in fact, I am very much human, like everyone else.
I still worry, regret, feel remorse, get upset.
but that doesn't mean I have to stay that way.
bad things and good things both happen.
and if I don't focus on the good things but rather the bad ones,
it's gonna pile up.
and soon, my pile of bad stuff will be so high, there will be no more room for happy stuff. 
so, I'd like to think of optimism as a way of life.
not just some airheaded lunatic who walks on air and doesn't have her feet on both ground.
bad things still happen optimistic or not.
and like the story which says that
if you're always looking at the ground
(as in the path you're walking now - the present)
or if you're only focused on looking backwards
you'll miss the scenery in front,
and soon, that scenery will be the next thing you miss and regret not seeing.
that's just it, if you indulge in regret, you shall live in regret.
yes, I am optimistic, but like every good thing,
I am just a little,
just a little optimistic.
* I found this on and I think it is very inspiring. cheers!