Monday 3 August 2015

Day 6: Korean Folk Village (KFV)

Korean Folk Village
oh my, how i love this place.
we were super blessed to have a discount on our entrance tickets 
(remember to print some useful discount coupons 
on the Korean Tourism website here before each trip!)
it was truly a travel back in time here at the KFV.
on a side note, the KFV runs free shuttle buses at different times from the Suwon Station to the KFV. so no worries about transportation fees here!
the whole village was built in an ancient time manner and i loved it to bits!
it was so authentic that their gardeners were also dressed like how they would back in time.
even their souvenir store looked like this - super on point.
they even had an olden day trader selling his goods in the village
and how can we miss the healthy crops that can be found behind one's backyard
*mandatory(?) selfie!*
 i really liked this woodcraft shop
and practically every house looks similar to this
- but will still vary in size and patterns depending on the class of the house owner
for example, peasants and noblemen live in very different houses (duh)

spring water! - i guess you drink from these last time...
it was truly beautiful inside
 and the highlight was...*drumrolls*
the horse show!
- i wouldn't want to spoil it for you so i won't be uploading any photos.
but it was basically acrobats performing stunts (breathtakingly) on fast galloping horses

as we arrived after noon, we didn't get to spend much time at the KFV (edit: let me rephrase, KFV was lovely, it was the fact that our trip there was cut short which was a disappointment!) which was a little bit of a let down. thus i would advise that you go there earlier in the morning to catch more performances and absorb the whole ancient vibe all together. all in all, a one night stay in Suwon would have been perfect to cover more of Suwon (and its unforgettable beef!)
Until next time,

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