Monday 10 November 2014

Why I Remained in the Faith

This is a short response to a blog I read recently "Why I Left the Faith".
respect is given to the author by all means,
and these are just my personal opinions.
along my 19 years of life, I have met all sorts of people,
Christians and no longer Christians.
and no, not all Christians are saints.
nor is anyone else in the world for that matter of fact.
so yeah, if you're hoping for glowing faces with angelic sounds when you walk into a church...
well, yeah that only happens in a Mr. Bean movie.
Faith is a very abstract thing.
it's hard to imagine what faith can do. or what it holds.
like the Bible says 'a faith like a mustard seed, and you can move mountains'.
tell that to anyone on the street and they'll probably tell you,
move a mountain and then I will trust in your faith.
well, that's the thing.
more often than not, we base our faith on the faith and actions of others.
I am no different. in fact, dare I say, it is human to do so.
we need to see, to believe.
but more often than not it is when we build our faith on the basis of another's faith,
we tend to fall when the other falls.
humans will always be humans.
humans will always be imperfect.
I guess that's why the Bible said :
Trust the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3)
and not Trust your pastor/cell leader/church elder with all your heart
in fact, Proverbs 146:3 says to no put our trust in human beings, who cannot save.
again, don't get me wrong.
but human are capable of mistakes, at some point in time.
Christians or any other religion in life.
but when you build your faith on what you experienced,
that's when things get interesting.
because you would have known that it happened, for reals.
I mean, remember Peter - the guy who walked on water?
its just so hard to believe it now.
but i'd bet Peter is still talking about it now in heaven.
ask for your own 'walk on the water' stint.
experience it yourself.
i'm not asking you to have faith blindly,
in fact God tells us to 'prove all things; hold fast that which is good'.
* you might want to read this *
there are times in my life when I don't understand.
life is not a bed of roses for me.
or anyone else.
but time and again, I experienced the little rewards of faith.
and time and again, I am reminded of his faithfulness.
like the times when he stalled the bus every time I pray for it.
or like the lovely gift I received just at that time of sadness I went through.
life won't be all perfect once I become a Christian, oh no.
and no, God does not answer all my prayers.
I mean, I still get my tyre punctured.
I still lose things.
I still make wrong decisions.
but He is the one who is willing to forgive and guide me back, time and again.
I can never know what you have been through
at the other end of the keyboard when you're reading this.
or the events or people you have met that might have 'caused' you to lose your faith.
but be sure that i'm hoping that someday, you will find your faith.
the text above is solely based on my personal opinion, and you of course will be entitled to yours.
have a great week ahead!

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