Sunday 12 January 2014

Five reasons why anyone should get a temporary job.

For some, now is basically a short holiday while waiting for examination results.
There may then be about three more months before you decide where you're heading next,
or for some, its just a short holiday you decided to bestow upon yourself.
Whatever it is, you've got a lot of free time in your hands.
Now if you know me, you'll know that I've recently started to work.
And here are ten reasons why I feel that you should too.
1. the money
rich or not, that's not really the question is.
everyone can use a couple of extra cash.
2. the experience
seriously, I think this is rather important.
your temp job may not be related to what you're planning to do in your future,
you can learn loads of things no matter what job you take on.
3. you will learn to appreciate high school/college/uni life
for those who have never worked before, people may tell you :
"enjoy your studying years, they are the best."
and your (expected) response will most likely be :
"duh, you're not me, you don't know this."
and then you'll be like, I wish I can go earn some money now instead of studying.
Well, NO.
once you've got a taste of what work really is (long hours, customers, duties etc),
you'll really learn to appreciate the fact that you're not going to be in the working world, YET.
4. the people
no matter if its your boss, your co-workers or customers,
there's always something to learn when it comes to people.
ways on how to handle them,
or in some cases, ways on how to avoid them.
5. you will start appreciating the value of money
this is by far on of the greatest lessons I've learnt.
if you're a shopper as much as I am,
you may start thinking twice after you've started working.
(that lovely RM50 top may equal to you working for 10 hours or so...)
Anyways, no matter if its a temp job, a summer job or whatever you're doing that pays,
I shall encourage you to work it and maybe pick up one or two lessons along the way.
Viva la vie!

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